สายนาฬิกา Forerunner 945 Black With Slate
ส่งจาก : Lazada Thailand จัดส่งฟรี รีวิว : 0 stock : 0 ราคา : 1799.00 บาท คะแนน :
Garmin garmin forerunner 255s music สายนาฬิกา Garmin garmin strap 2 2 Stay stylish and sport-ready by swapping out your compatible watch band for a new color on compatible models Simply remove your current watch band and screw on the new band for a comfortable and enhanced fit Band, pins and pin removal tools included Individual colors sold separately Silicon Watch BandsStay stylish and adventure-ready with these rugged, adjustable and colorful silicone bands for your compatible watch Kit includes band, pins and pin removal tools Compatible
Devices: Forerunner 945 Forerunner 935 Fenix 5 Series Fenix 5 plus series